the next day, he had diarrhea and was throwing up. if you know me at all,you know that I have a very weak stomach for puke. can't see it, hear it, watch it, smell it, if you puke, I'll probably run away screaming. (I'm working on that!) so, it was a nightmare. wesley would puke in our one bathroom we have. I would run away to the backyard, freak out, and get eaten by mosquitoes. Justin, the worrier who freaks out about everything, was crying hysterically, afraid that he would get sick as well. We would be stuck in the living room all day with nothing to do because Wesley was using the iPad all day. my parents were all over him and taking care of him and all, but they still believed "it's just a flu."
Wednesday he was getting worse. we found a rash on his legs, and there was something really wrong. I was outside with Justin, and one of our Japanese neighbors (the landlord of our apartment building) asked us how we were doing. I then got the brilliant idea to get Wesley to the doctor! I told her about Wesley and she told me that she knew an English speaking doctor and that she would help my mom set up an appointment. So, Wesley was sent to the doctor, and our amazing neighbor went to Baskin-Robbins and got us ice cream!
Wesley had petechiae on his feet (burst blood vessels underneath the skin), and his urine specimen had protein in it, so he would have to go to the hospital and get blood tests the next day, which he did. We didn't know he'd have to stay there. but Dad texted my mom and said that he would have to stay, and that he needed to go to work, and that Wes needed a parent there at all times, so Mom would have to take care of him while I took care of Justin. I still have no idea what was actually wrong with Wesley. I heard a lot of different things: colitis, E-Coli (that was just weird), some kind of bacterial streptococcal infection, dehydration, and some kind of virus caused by not washing hands/bad swimming pools which includes all symptoms listed above. he was hooked up to an IV to get the nutrients inside him, because he couldn't keep anything down. he also had a really high fever.
Justin and I never had the guts to come and visit him because hospitals scare the crap out of me! but over the course of 5 days, he has been able to eat rice and keep it down, the petechiae went away, and his fever is gone! he was supposed to come home yesterday, but the Japanese are very overprotective in their hospitals, so they wouldn't release him. but he's on his way home today!!! we are so excited and can't wait for him to get back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and a massive thank you to all of you who prayed for us and gave your support! I love you all! :) xx