Me: hey Mom, Dad. I'm almost 14 and a lot of my friends have iPhones. and since I've had my phone for a year now and no one has that kind of phone anymore, could I please get an iPhone?
Mom: well an iPhone would be nice. I'm okay with it. go ask your dad.
Dad: You haven't even had a cell phone for a year yet actually. and actually, most of the year you've had it, you've been getting grounded. How will having an iPhone change this? and smart phones cost money that I don't want to pay.
me: well all my friends have iPhones and they don't have to pay for their phone!
Dad (the classic pissed-off parent response): Well, I'm not your friend's dad. I'm your dad. You're fortunate enough to have a phone. some people in your ward don't even have a cell phone and they're in high school.
me: well, my friends have iPhones. and with an iPhone, you can do so much more than just call and text. there's Instagram, FaceTime, and you can play games. and it's just so much better. and if I get an iPhone, I promise I won't be a brat! I won't get grounded.
Dad: Miriam Elaina Castle. You are not getting an iPhone. end of story.
me: well could I at least have an iPod touch? it's not an iPhone but it's almost as good.
Dad: No further discussion.
so I got the iPod touch, which I love dearly. I was so happy that I got something I wanted. but fast forward to a year later, and I have the same conversation with my parents. the only difference is
me: dad, I'm in high school now. I need a new phone
Dad: I don't want to pay for it. it costs money. name 5 friends who don't have to pay--
me (names all my friends)
Dad *sighs*, same pissed-off parent response, but this time adds: You need a job to pay for it.
me: that isn't gonna happen.
Dad: Miriam Elaina Castle, if you ask for an iPhone again, you're grounded. end of story.
so to make things simple, I asked for clothes and nothing else. on Black Friday, I picked everything out. but how fun is it knowing every single present you got? so, I hoped my parents would slip in some surprise (er, an iPhone 4S).
we got a Wii with Just Dance 4, Zumba, Mario and Sonic Olympics, and I don't remember the other games. Just Dance 4 is really fun though. Justin is the high-scorer, even though he's sick with the flu. We all enjoy our new Wii, I love my new clothes, and I admit, getting on Facebook and Instagram and seeing endless posts of "new iPhone!" did make me jealous. but hey, at least I have an iPod and a phone and that will do for now.
Christmas is about more than just...... stuff. it's about service, it's about Christ, it's about celebrating His birth. this year, I made a ton of Christmas cookies. it took a whole weekend, but it was sure worth it! I took a plate to the Special Ed class at Timpview that I peer tutor in. they were all really happy! and since I had leftovers, I just randomly handed them out to my friends. they all looked really happy! it felt good to know that I made other people happy. also, our elderly neighbors needed people to shovel their driveway. normally their next door neighbors do it, but they were out of town, so our family volunteered. Let me tell you, my whole body kills from shoveling their driveway. but after I finished, heck did it feel good.
so, I hope you all had a merry Christmas. new post coming soon. and I'm sorry if this one was full of complaints!