the first week of March, I got my Learner's Permit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, I guess I can learn to drive now. I've only been allowed in the church parking lot once, and it's gonna take a while to get to the point where I can drive without killing anyone.
finally, it has been warming up. It has felt so good to not wear a jacket everyday. every afternoon, all I've wanted to do is play tennis. but I have no one to play with, and I had so much homework. Boys tennis is in the spring at Timpview, so I have to wait until next fall to do Girls Tennis. but last Saturday, my mom promised me that she'd play some tennis with me, so we did. with the little pink tennis balls I used 2 summers ago. in Japan, we only brought 1 can of balls, and after we got back, I only played tennis a few times before it got really cold. so we haven't replaced our balls. so yeah, never play tennis with dead balls. also, I wasn't counting on Justin and his friend to tag along with us, ride their ripstiks for like 10 minutes, get bored, and ask to play with us. I was out of practice and we had dead balls, and 10 year old boys aren't the most cooperative. they still don't realize that it's a tennis racket, not a baseball bat. finally they got frustrated, got back on their ripstiks, and let us play. but I still had lots of fun, and it felt so good to finally play tennis again in the warm weather. when I played in Japan, we had to reserve a tennis court. the courts were either dirt clay, or astro turf. neither are pleasant to play on. we only brought one of my cans of little pink tennis balls, and my brothers succeeded in whacking them into other courts, or into a tree. the worst was everytime we had a court reserved, it was always so bloody hot. you take 1 step out of the house and you start sweating profusely. it's that bad. it isn't very fun to play when it's so hot you're dying pretty much. I realized how much I missed playing tennis everyday when it was warm. it was a very good day, last Saturday was.
so of course, it decides to snow on Friday. Wednesday was technically the first day of spring. but it wasn't very warm that day. it wasn't warm on Thursday either. and then it snowed. why does this happen every year? I think it's finally warming up, play tennis once, then it snows again. today, I wanted to play tennis. but remembered I couldn't because I have a stupid piano competition today. and it was still snowing.
spring, it was good to see you for a couple of days. thanks for letting me play tennis that one time. who knows when I'll be able to play again.
snow, please leave Utah. just please. get out of here.