so......... a much needed spring break has started. it seems to have come at the perfect time. On Saturday, the weather was lovely. I started out the morning playing tennis with Mom. I mostly did conditioning and practiced my serve, and I can feel myself getting better each time. then, we went home, showered, and got ready to go to Salt Lake for the
General Young Women Conference with Haley and Alyssa! their mom, Elizabeth, drove us all up there, and we all did some shopping at City Creek.
me and Mom
Alyssa, Haley, and me
us 3 girls went shopping and had a really great time! while the Spackman girls were in Gap trying stuff on, my mom and I hit H&M because she knows I take forever in there. sometime while I was taking forever in the fitting room, we met up with Haley and Alyssa again and we got some really cute things, including a new Easter dress for me. then, it was time to go down to the Conference Center, which is only 1 block away from City Creek. you have to walk through Temple Square to get there. it was so pretty and the weather was gorgeous. the last time I went up there with the Spackmans, it was freezing cold and it was in December, so this was a nice change. as soon as the Prophet entered the conference center, everything was quiet. the meeting was really nice. the theme was "
stand in holy places, and be not moved." all the talks were really good. my favorite was Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk. I don't know what it is, but he is always my favorite speaker.
after the meeting, we took tons of pictures. and I ran into my lovely friend Kate, who I hadn't see since 8th grade! we talked and talked and it was so awesome to catch up with her again! I've missed her soooo much this year. I'm also really good friends with Jackson, her brother who's a year
older than me. she's a year
younger than me. so next year, we're all gonna be at Timpview together and it's gonna be a
Kate me, and the photobomb.
the cute Spackmans
then we all ate at Kneaders and shopped some more. we finally left the mall at 9:30 PM. I had such a great day with my best friends, filled with shopping, good food, and spiritual-ness. after I got home, i had to hide all the eggs for the boys to find. (they don't even believe, yet they still have to hunt for eggs.) they wake up really early to find all the eggs and eat all the candy. Since I don't wake up early, my parents always give me extra candy in my basket so I don't have to hunt for the eggs at 6am. for breakfast, we had crepes with strawberries and whipped cream. then, we had church. Easter is probably my favorite Sunday of the year, because everyone either has a new dress, or if they don't, they still look really springy and it's fun to see how cute everyone looks. after church, we went over to my grandparents to have dinner and did another easter egg hunt.

so, here's the more spiritual part. we had a really good Young Womens lesson, and at the end, we could bear our testimonies. recently, I have been thinking more about the Atonement and all the Savior has done for me. and it's really amazing to know that he did everything for us. I'm not a very spiritual person and I don't usually think about stuff like this, but we have been talking a lot about it in church and Seminary, and it has helped me a lot to know that He is always there, and that He died for us, and that someday, we can see Him again. It is truly amazing to know how lucky we are, to have this knowledge, to know that He lives.
oh, and happy April fools. Wesley woke me up, panicking. he said, "Miriam, Mom's in the hospital! She was running and she fell and broke her ankle!" and I totally fell for it and started panicking. and then Justin said, "Miriam, it's APRIL FOOLS!" gosh. I feel so dumb. he scared the crap out of me!