this term has been no different, except for the first time this year, I got straight As! except for that freaking 73% in Geometry! son of a gun. I tried to retake all of those quizzes, but my ********* teacher wouldn't get my grade in. {ps. I was not swearing. I just have several mean words to describe him, and I didn't know which one to pick.}
enough about math. oops. I said the M word. I promise to never. ever. ever. ever. swear on this blog again. what really has been stressing me out is American Studies. Last week, we got a packet with like 10 homework pages. it was due only a week later. my teacher combined 2 chapters into one packet. in a week. and she was hardly even there because she was at mock trials. The earliest I have gotten to bed this whole week was 11. today we took the test, and I do not have a good feeling about this one!
good news!!!!!!! Student Council is in charge of Centennial Idol. during plus/flex time, students will perform. the way you vote is a student council member (I have a ton of friends on there) hands you a ballot. You mark the contestant you want to vote for. You hand the ballot back to the student council person. pretty easy, right? well, guess what. I tried out yesterday with "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele. (Oh McCall, I am soooooooooooo sorry I stole your audition song!) we didn't find out the contestants until today. so, in math today, one of my friends on student council told the teacher that he needed to see me. of course, the ************* teacher said "no, she is doing work." my friend and I escaped, and then he handed me a paper and told me the greatest thing ever.
I MADE CENTENNIAL IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so did my friends McCall and Honi. I am so happy! on the Friday after the Hunger Games comes out (I am so freaking excited for that too), I will be performing "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele. This is going to be legit. I love to sing, and because I didn't make the talent show (must I even explain that again?), this is my opportunity to sparkle. even if I don't win, I'm still grateful for the chance that I have to perform!
so, a bunch of good things have been happening. today, I got to take a little nap when I got home from school. haven't slept in like 3 weeks! after that, I just chilled out at home and watched Fantastic Mr. Fox, my favorite movie ever. plus, spring is coming! well, I gotta go to sleep, because I have missed it!