so, it's August now. still can't believe it. last weekend, I got my schedule for Timpview High School. (Which starts in 3 weeks, super crazy!)
Computer tech- heard this class really sucks unless you have friends.
Algebra 2- still don't have a teacher. I hate math, but still better than geomecrap.
Seminary- pretty excited! of what I've seen on Facebook, I have a lot of friends in there!
Human Biology- most interesting science class available to freshmen. don't know what to think about that.
Fashion Strategies- super pumped! this was really the only class I was interested in taking, and I know it might sound like a prissy girly girl class, I'm still extremely excited for this one!
Honors English 9- I'm a bit nerdy and actually like English to some degree, but a ton of work in here!
Peer Tutoring- I didn't even sign up for this class, and they only take people who fill out an application. super confused on how I got in here, but I really liked doing it in junior high, so I'm actually really happy they put me in there!
Japanese- death. my parents made me take it because "it'll be an easy class to catch up on, and you're in Japan, so what could be better than learning more of it and gaining a great cultural experience?" well I'll just say that's a load of crap. Japanese is already hard enough to understand, even harder to speak, but reading it just kills me. I can't tell the characters apart or even recognize them. I only really know how to say "The cow's stomach is a watermelon" or "it's hot today, isn't it?" and I've been here for almost 3 months.
my overall feelings about school? well, I literally can't wait to get back to good ole P-Town and see my friends again! I've been counting the days until we go back (only 51 more days!!!). and it'll be good to get busy because chilling in a teeny apartment with nothing to do is torture. and I will actually see people my age who speak my language! but starting 5 weeks late is even worse than the first day of school. okay, everyone pretty much knows who I am, I live right by the school (about a mile-ish away), I have friends and all, and some new clothes (will talk about those next), but what if I get lost? the people who don't know me will treat me like the "new girl." (which I've experienced at church, and as nice as our fellow wardies may be, I do not enjoy the whole "new girl" thing at all.) what if my teachers actually don't email me my assignments and give me a boatload of work to do as soon as I arrive? I missed tennis team tryouts over the summer, and girls tennis is during the fall, so unless they let me on the team as a "walk-on", my high school dream is shattered. (okay, there's always sophmore year for me to get even better, but still.) a lot of my friends are cheerleaders, and I won't even go into that. because of my late-start, I don't even know where I'll fit in because who knows, they could find new friends and I'll just be singing Cher Lloyd all day. Remember all the things that you and I did first, and now you're doing them with her? that has happened before.
homeschooling and early morning seminary- give me a break. I already don't sleep because my bedroom is the freaking living room that everyone else uses, and my dad is up all night working so I go to bed super late, and now I have to wake up at 5 just to get on the train to the church for seminary? you have got to be kidding me. I hope it's acceptable to go in my boxers, old t-shirt, messy hair, and no make-up. probably not. but at least it's only twice a week and I'll only be doing it for a month. the homeschooling has got to be a massive pain with 2 brothers, one who is a genius know-it-all and is always looking for the opportunity to prove me wrong, the other being a perfectionist and even gets mad if I get stuff wrong, living in the same "house" as me. no space to do homework. I'm seriously thinking of buying an early plane ticket and getting back to Provo this second.
what I actually did this week- my iPod managed to fly out of my lap and break itself. we went to the apple store hoping that it would be a cheap repair, but I had to replace the whole thing. and my dad, who believes that I "need to be more responsible and learn how to budget money and work for things and if you don't pay me back half of the cost of your iPod by this date, you're grounded for life." well, the apple store was in GINZA. my favorite shopping district in Tokyo. and since I need more school clothes because I brought all my nice clothes to Tokyo, only to get them ruined in the laundry because they smell like sweat and can't dry and are all wrinkled, I just couldn't resist. and guess what was right next to the apple store?
you got it. Forever 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{i could live in that store if i could.}
and that's where all my money went. Mom was actually nice enough to take me to another place in Ginza called GU, where she bought me some lacy shorts! but everything else I bought was from XXI and now my money is gone. but it was worth it.
well, I'm sorry that I am boring the crap out of you, but one last thing: I will now feature a "song of the day" and a "quote of the day." enjoy!
song of the day: Want U Back- Cher Lloyd
quote of the day: "The scariest thing about distance is that you never know whether they'll miss you or forget you."
-The Notebook
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