The 10 Steps of having Good Times, (most of the time)
1. look good. when you look good, you feel good. and yes this means wearing makeup. even if it's just a little mascara, it still makes a huge difference. I know I probably don't look horrible without makeup, but I just feel like it enhances the way I look, and it makes me feel more confident. also, this means actually getting dressed. I know that leggings and sweatshirts are more comfortable than jeans or dresses or anything that requires "pants", and I do wear leggings and sweatshirts myself. but don't do it everyday. those outfits make me feel comfortable, but knowing I took the time to get myself dressed and look cute makes me feel a lot more confident and ready for my day. one of my friends asked me why I always look cute, and I said, "I just want to. looking good makes me feel good!"
2. don't eat a ton of crap. carrots don't taste like peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and I think everyone knows that I would definitely prefer the latter. but eating junk food all the time doesn't make you feel good, and therefore, it doesn't make you happy. I'm not saying abandon it completely. It's something I would never be able to do. but cutting back and eating healthier just makes you feel good! so, do it.
3. make someone's day, every day. it's just a nice thing to do. give someone a genuine compliment. you have no idea how much it can make someone's day. I've had those rough days where I come to school with really wet hair and got 5 hours of sleep, and someone has given me a compliment, and it just makes the day a whole lot better. try it! (but don't give the same people the same compliments every day, because eventually, they might start to question your sincerity.) but if you compliment at least one person or do something else to make their day, just watch their reaction. I guarantee your day will be made as well!
4. develop passions and talents. I have played piano for 9-10 years, and it took a while before I decided I was really passionate about it. I had to switch teachers a few times and find songs that I truly enjoyed to play, and once I did that, I was hooked. a really musically talented friend of mine helped me push myself more and have real goals of where I wanted to be. I started practicing for longer, and I made it a routine. I finally found my passion after playing for about 7 years. they don't just come to you though. you have to work on them, but in the end, knowing that all that hard work has paid off is truly one of the greatest feelings. for you, it doesn't have to be piano. it can be art, a sport, cooking, anything, really. (as long as it isn't watching TV or doing drugs. those require no talent.)
5. exercise. for me, this is easy because going back to step 4, tennis is one of my biggest passions. whenever it is possible, I make my mom or a friend go down to the court with me and hit with me. not only am I getting exercise doing it, but I am also improving my talents, forming close friendships, and doing what I love to do! sometimes, I hate early morning conditions. but I still go to them, because the results will make me feel good in the end and I will be happier. in the winter, it is a lot harder for me because indoor courts are not available on demand. on those days, I just go to the gym and run on the treadmill. it definitely isn't the same thing, but I am getting some form of exercise, and that helps my wintertime depression in ways I never thought it would. finding motivation to exercise may not be the easiest, but make yourself do it. I promise. it's so good for you.
6. do what you want. because why would we waste our time doing what we don't want to do? (except for homework. for the sake of your grades and getting into college, do that.) I have an interesting story to go along with this. Sweethearts was last week, on Valentines Day. I didn't get asked to that dance, and I already knew who I wanted to ask to MORP, which is 3 weeks after. so, on the Monday before Sweethearts, I went ahead and asked! It is an unspoken social norm not to ask to a dance before another dance is over. well, I broke that rule. why? because I knew who I wanted to ask! did I care that my date has a girlfriend? well, maybe I did, but she's really nice. did that stop me from asking? NO! a few girls were not too happy that I broke 2 unspoken rules, and asked me "why did you ask so early? sweethearts hasn't even happened!" or "why did you ask him? he has a girlfriend!" well, it's because I knew I wanted to ask him, so I freaking did it! and did I care what people thought? no! and did he answer me 3 days later (still 2 days before Sweethearts)? you bet he did! so, this just proves that doing what you want makes you happy, and don't you ever let anyone stop you!
7. be confident! this is harder for some people, but I found that when I am confident in myself, I am a lot happier and it makes it easier for me to be nice to others. it's that simple. it's harder to be nice to people if you aren't nice to yourself! so, be nice to yourself. be confident. don't be too cocky, because you might come off the wrong way. but please, don't get down on yourself! just tell yourself, "I got this." and you will find that you do!
8. know that it's okay not to be happy all the time. some days, I just lose it. school is hard. friends are hard. there's no food in the house. it's cold outside. and in that case, it's okay to be sad. it's okay to cry. don't worry that you aren't being happy all the time. I'm definitely not that way! and yes, it's okay to have a bad week. that's happened to me. but remember, it's just a bad day. not a bad life!
9. don't care so much about what others think. because chances are, if you think they think a certain way, they are probably not even thinking about you at all! and if they judge you based on stupid things, they aren't worth your time. you're too good for that.
10. enjoy the good times. make them memorable. make the most out of them. enjoy them.
hope this helps.
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