Friday, August 30, 2013

i guess i'm a sophomore. yeeeh.

well, I made it. I'm a sophomore. it's pretty crazy isn't it. I remember, my first day of school as a freshman. Everyone else had already been in school for 6 weeks. but because I was on top of Mt. Fuji the day that school started, I had to start 6 weeks later than everyone else. I was a bit confused at first, but soon I got into the swing of things. but I was kind of scared of the older kids. some of the sophomores I already knew from when I was in Junior High. I had a lot of classes with older kids, so I did make friends quickly. one of my best friends that year was a sophomore (and we still are best friends). but he just seemed so much.... older to me. much like the rest of them. they were all 16, most of which could drive, many which even had their own cars, and there was the whole dating thing. I tried to remind myself that most of these kids are just a year older than me. but it hit me. I was in high school. that would be me in a year. I'd still be a lower classman. but as a young freshman, I still couldn't believe it. and there were juniors too. and seniors. I would talk to a few juniors and even a few seniors. but they just......well....... were a lot older than me, it seemed. I was one of the shortest ones. I thought I had it hard. which, I did. a lot of my classes were hard. and older kids would tell me, "it only gets worse every year." thanks for making me excited about high school, people. but I had a pretty good year. much better than all of junior high combined.

Malia, Lynley, Madi, Abby, me, Gillian, Brooke, and Callie

yes. these are all my adorable sophomore friends. we are all the same age. even me. and yes, I really am that short. this isn't photoshopped. people were asking me if I was a freshman. but I love this picture. Abby is one of my really good friends from Orem, and she surprised us all by enrolling in Timpview this year! when I saw her in the halls, I thought of that line from Mean Girls: "She doesn't even go here!" but I was so happy that she decided to go here! and Lynley moved to Oregon over the summer, and she came back to visit all of us! It was so great to see her again.

I was excited for all the new freshmen. some older kids think freshmen are really annoying, but I love them. I am friends with a lot of them, actually! I know lots of them from tennis, and some from junior high as well. but I have missed them a lot. and I just love all of them to bits. and they are all much taller than me, so I could blend in with them and people would think that I'm one of them! but it feels good not to be the youngest anymore. 

on my second day of school last year, I went to a football game. I had no friends, but I found a senior named Ava from my seminary class, and we hung out for most of the game. we talked a lot and she was super nice to me and introduced me to all her friends. this year, I went to a football game on my second day of school again. and I was supposed to meet up with friends, but they didn't show up until later. so I just found Lauren, one of my best friends on the tennis team, who is a senior. this sounds pretty familiar. another really nice senior, introduces me to all her friends, and it was super nice! at around half time, my friends finally showed up. I went off with them for a bit, and at that point, pretty much everyone showed up. i was saying hi to everyone, and I kinda lost track of my friends. then I found my friends Lindsee and Jackson (who are both juniors) and sat with them for the rest of the game. and like last year, Timpview won again. 
Jackson and me at the game. oh and Lindsee didn't quite make the picture.

so it's been an interesting week and 2 days in school. I already have so much homework. all my classes are really hard, except for ceramics, digital photo, and seminary, which I hate to say will probably become my naptime. I have drivers ed every morning at 6:30, and tennis every afternoon. and then I have to practice piano and do homework. so I guess I will kiss my social life goodbye. 

some other interesting things have happened. on Monday, Jackson was driving me home and we had just pulled out of the parking lot, when some girls just hit his car, pulled in front of us, and drove off like nothing happened. thank goodness his sister Kate's friend was able to send her a picture of the license plate, because none of us were quick enough to get a picture! and everyone was ok, including the car. but it was very inconvenient for us, and bad drivers just really piss me off. maybe I shouldn't say that, because I'm not very good myself. but I haven't hit anyone yet, so that's good. but after having this experience, just don't be a bad driver. don't hit other peoples cars. and if you do, please be a really nice person, pull over, and help us and be nice to us. which reminds me. I turn 16 in 146 days. I have 26 days left of drivers ed to complete. I have had my permit since march. it's scary to think I'll be driving. but my parents of course won't let me get a car unless I pay for it myself. so occasionally I can steal my dad's, but I won't be driving myself to school. I guess that's a good thing, because whoever designed the parking lot at timpview is a big idiot. I seriously hate that parking lot. and there's a lot of scary drivers. I can't even pull into my own driveway without hitting the curb. and i'm terrified of hitting anything: children, dogs, other cars, everything. but I gotta learn somehow. even though waking up every morning at 5:45 is very inconvenient. 

after school, my life is pretty much just tennis, tennis, tennis. recently, I pulled a muscle in my right wrist from using it so much, and it has been affecting my ability to play. I did really well in a match last week, even though I lost. yesterday I got killed. I don't even want to say the score. but it was pretty bad. but so far, i've been having a lot of fun this season! even though practices seem to last forever, and it's always super hot, and my wrist is really hurting half of the time. but for the most part, I love it! I love all the girls on the team.
me and Gracie L, my favorite freshman in the world. you've already seen this. get over it.
me and Jen. we didn't even plan, we just wore matching tank tops. I played with her on city league all summer, and we had a great time doing that! I love her guts.
and we can't forget Lauren, my favorite senior. and Grace S. photobombing us in the background!

sorry. more random pictures. on Wednesday, I went on a little hike up in Squaw Peak. the view is beautiful. it was really nice to enjoy the end of summer and the beautiful weather. I am excited for fall, because it's my absolute favorite season. but I don't want the nice summer weather to leave us! I am enjoying seeing all my friends again at school, and some of my classes are really fun, but I already miss summer a lot. I have had a super fun summer. some of the highlights were:
  • going to Moab
  • going to Youth Conference in Manti
  • tennis with mom
  • city league tennis
  • eating snowcones 
  • In-N-Out after pretty much every tennis match
  • warm weather
  • bear lake with my cousins
  • being able to sleep in
  • timpview tennis practices
  • tennis with Jackson and getting killed everytime. 
  • my friend Kalela visiting from Illinois and us hanging out everyday she was here
but then again, I'm kinda excited to be a sophomore this year. I can't wait until I turn 16 and I can start driving. oh, and dating. that's gonna be fun too. and people still ask me everyday if I'm a new freshman. I find it rather amusing. but anyways, let's make it another great year at timpview!

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