Friday, March 23, 2018

new year, new me, new hair, new major, new blog

I've had this blog since.... 2011. yep, 2011.

I made my first post when I was in 8th grade. I looked like this. (I made brownies with my friend that day and we ended up having a special photoshoot in our aprons)

I don't know why my parents decided to let an almost-14 year old get a blog. or maybe, I didn't tell them and they just went with it. mainly, I wanted a place where I could post about what my family was doing while we lived in Tokyo. plus, my grandparents refused to get a Facebook but were very into reading blogs, so I figured that if I became the "family blogger", I could talk about Japan and about what I wanted to talk about, which was mostly One Direction, stuff I found on Pinterest, or why I was a loser because I only owned 4 pairs of TOMS shoes and my friends owned EIGHT.
I'm not sure who read my blog besides my relatives, but I liked having a place to write AND post pictures (because, in a journal, you can't do that), and my grandparents in Arizona (again, they don't believe in social media) wanted to hear about what I was doing in school, how tennis was going, the date dances I went on, and the vacations I took, so I kept at it. I'm glad I did. because I don't live at home right now, I don't have access to a lot of old pictures, so if I ever want to remind myself what my fashion sense was like when I was 14 years old, or if I'm feeling nostalgic about when my family went to the UK in 2014, I can go to my blog and read about all the fun times I had, see how much I have grown up, and try not to laugh at myself too much. so, even though blogging is normally associated with Mormon Moms, fashion, art, recipes, fitness, or missionary letters, I didn't care that I didn't exactly fit in. It was nice, and as I got older, it became therapeutic.

But the thing is, I've changed a lot since 2011. it's obvious. I was 13, almost 14. I'm 20 now. I've been blogging on this blog for 7 years. and that's a pretty long time. and I guess there comes a point where I just need to move on. but I don't want to completely start over, either. I like to look at my old posts and try not to cringe too much at my former self. but it just feels...juvenile, for me, a 20 year old college student, to post about complex issues like mental health on the same website where I posted about how Liam Payne said that he was afraid of using spoons in restaurants (I had way too much time on my hands. It's embarrassing how much One Direction trivia I knew back in the day). and I've been wanting to make changes for a while, but I haven't had a lot of time.

well, last night I figured out how easy it was to export blog posts over to Wordpress, so I did it. I didn't export all of them, of course. I exported all my posts from spring of 2016 onward, around the time I was transitioning from graduating high school to preparing for college. like I said, I didn't want to completely start over, nor did I want to just go through all my old posts and delete them. so, I compromised. 

so, from this point on, I will be posting everything at (it's not case sensitive)

it has everything from 2016-present, so all my recent posts are over there, too.

goodbye, . it was a good 7 years. 


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