Saturday, December 8, 2012

'tis the season for decorating your house and wearing ugly sweaters

December came way too quickly. actually, right after we returned from our Thanksgiving break in Arizona, it seemed like Provo had transformed into Wonderland. all the lights were up on the houses, Christmas music was playing everywhere, trees were coming up, and it was just crazy. I really like fall, and sometimes, I wish it would last until November actually ended. I'm not saying I don't get excited for Christmas (I really do), it's just that I don't usually start getting in the mood until after November ends. But on the other hand, it did snow in November, and it hasn't even come close to snowing in December!
Ya I know, we're pretty cute :) anyways, we started decorating the last week of November. I love decorating, even though we don't go crazy on the outside! but we do have some pretty cute things!
 my favorite, the lollipop tree! (with fake lollipops!)
our front door

.......the inside is where all the magic happens. (again, we don't go all out for it, but at least it's something! I'm actually quite proud!)
 our Christmas dishes and every single Santa picture we've ever taken
 the tree
 Mom embroidered this cute little snowman family a few years ago. can you guess who's who?

and then, comes my favorite part. crazy socks and ugly sweaters.
"That is some beautiful ugliness you got there!"

".......and you still look gorgeous, even though it's ugly!"

"Wait...... that's supposed to be an ugly sweater?!"

"You better be wearing that everyday!"

"NO WAY. Did your mom really paint this?! This is the greatest thing I've seen all day."

"That is one sexy sweater! It's so ugly it's beautiful!"

so yep, I have some pretty great friends. before stag, I had to go to a ward party that I didn't want to go to, and then, I went back to Timpview to go to the Basketball game! We won, and I was able to see all my friends and hang out before the dance started, which was pretty great. Everyone had some pretty....beautiful sweaters. and really, who doesn't want to show Christmas spirit by going to an Ugly Sweater Dance? 

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