Saturday, October 26, 2013

the blogging game.

more than 3 years ago, when I first discovered blogging, I intended to use it as sort of a journal. I would blog about pretty much everything that was going on in my life: school, my friends, family vacations, personal thoughts, everything. and it was a lot more convenient than keeping a written journal. I found those things pointless. I mean, who the heck would sit down everyday and write
"today was a good day. the sun was shining. I went to school. I saw my friends. my classes were hard. I went to tennis. Tennis was fun. Then I did homework and practiced piano and ate dinner and talked to my family. It was a good day."
that just isn't in my nature. so, if I needed to share my feelings, I would go directly to the blog. eventually in 8th grade, I got a notebook that I specifically labeled "interactions with cute boys." because of course, who would blog about that? too awkward. but I still preferred blogging overall. this was especially useful when we were in Japan, because it was a fun and exciting way to document my experience.

then in my freshman year, I became very busy with homework and other things. there wasn't really anything exciting to blog about. but I still wanted some way to record my feelings that are too personal to blog about. so I found a notebook, decorated it, and wrote on the first page

"Miriam Elaina Castle- age 15, Freshman at Timpview High School. Journal Started: February 3, 2013.

I've been keeping journals since like the end of October in 8th Grade. I used to detest them. But I started to really like boys and I felt like I needed a personal place to write down my feelings about them, that no one could read except me..."  so then the journal entry goes on to describe a boy who had recently tickled my fancy. that was only the start. and yes, I did primarily write about that kind of stuff, going into great detail writing exact conversations, describing appearances, and things I liked about them. but pretty soon, it turned into exactly what I wrote on the inside page of the journal I am currently writing in.

"Miriam Elaina Castle- age 15, Sophomore at Timpview High School. Journal started September 1, 2013. (sound familiar?)

  • for thoughts that I wish not to share with the world, but are too beautiful to stay inside my head, so they are to be written on paper and not for anyone else to read.
  • for those times I need to reminisce.
  • for those good, great, amazing experiences I wish to keep with me forever.
  • for those teeny little details I wish not to forget.
  • for the smallest things that make my days
  • for those innermost feelings I need to get out of my system. 
  • for long ramblings that make no sense.

so, because I have recently found a liking for journal writing, I have neglected blogging, in a way. sure, I would post in the summer, when we would go on vacations or about tennis tournaments. but hardly ever would I post my reflections of the meaning of life anymore. I had a new place for that. lately I haven't been doing very well at this blogging game. it is really time-consuming, and I hardly have any spare time now that I've gotten older. It just isn't the first on my priority list anymore. but because I assume people still read this thing, I will continue playing the blogging game. just not as frequently as I used to, and probably just the same old "what I am doing in my life" posts with pictures to go along with them, because I would love to keep you all updated about how I am doing. but yes, I have finally figured out how to write a journal, and make it fun, in a way. and when I am bored and have nothing to do (usually late at night), I find myself looking back on old journal entries, reminiscing on those good times. and it makes me very happy.

I feel like this post was totally pointless. I just wanted you all to know that I still exist, and I still blog. even though I have found a new passion for journals.

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