Saturday, February 21, 2015

ADD...oh wait. what?

one of my biggest pet peeves is when people say, "I'm so ADD right now!"

because, unless you have actually been diagnosed by a doctor, you're not.

ADD/ADHD is a lot more than simply "not being able to concentrate on stuff " or "getting easily distracted." I invite you all (except NO ONE ACTUALLY READS MY BLOG) to read this. the guy who wrote this did 100x better explaining what I deal with 24/7 than I ever could. and it's actually quite funny.  every time someone asks me what it's like to live with ADD, I wish I could show them this. because this guy seriously nailed it.

and I also found this video. yet another accurate and humorous description of what goes on in the brain. this one is hilarious, but after my brothers watched it, they also claimed they were ADD, so be careful with this one. it is true that some of these behaviors exist in normal people, but they are much more extreme with ADD.

(also, ADD and ADHD are basically the same thing. in my case, I am still restless and impulsive, but not as extreme as some people with the hyperactivity. I don't go running around destroying things impulsively.)

PS. it took me about 20 minutes to write this post because I kept on getting distracted and forgot what I was doing.
PPS. that was not an ADD joke. that really happened.
PPPS. I was actually writing an essay for AP US History when I got distracted, got on Facebook (which I get on at most once a day to check if I have notifications), saw a link to the article, and decided to read it.

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