Guys, this has been such a great year. I learned a lot: who my friends were, how to survive being a sevie, do your homework, how to flirt without being akward, getting better at tennis, controlling your temper, which teachers are good, how to put make-up on without looking like a clown, becoming closer to family members, and a ton of other stuff! There's been a lot of high and low points this year, but you learn to never give up and to always try to improve yourself each day! Well, here's my year in a nutshell.
January: turned 13, got a phone, started to make more friends, got bangs. Pretty uneventful month.
February: Justin got baptized, Valentines Day problems, made more friends. Could go into more detail but I am choosing not to.
March: Jimmermania was a huge part of this month. "March Madness." Tons of BYU basketball games, and we made it to the Sweet 16! Oh, and Jimmer signed my shirt. I also had some struggles with grades, but that's not important.
April: I got my very first surgery in my entire life. It was on my feet. My tendons had to be clipped because I had crooked toes. I had to wear these bandages for a whole week and it was not pleasant! Other things: Provo Beach Resort, rain, student body elections, and the Daddy Daughter date for standards night!
May: testing, testing, testing. Accompanied in the last choir concert, and my lovely page turner messed up. But everyone said I did good, and it was super fun. I also got braces. This picture was the only picture from May that I could find. (From left to right): Lola, me, and McCall. We're still pretty good friends!
SUMMER!!!! Oh, how I love summer. I'm warning you, this is going to be a looooong wrap-up. A lot of things happened this summer: Yosemite, Girls Camp in Santaquin, and Bear Lake with the Castles were the only big trips we did. The Pass of All Passes was legit, and we went to Seven Peaks a ton. Played tennis every day with Mom, which was also legit. I loved the little pink tennis balls and sexy tennis skirts! Oh.....and babysitting, Surf N' Slurp after mutual, So You Think You Can Dance, new haircut, started to really wear make-up, Aunt Sarah had a baby, and the fun came to an end when I got my school schedule. which brings me to...
End of August/September: School started. Peer tutor was fun, Geometry...not fun, met tons of new friends, Wesley's birthday, American Studies was awesome, and started taking piano lessons at a real studio!
October: butterfly for Halloween, end of Term 1, was a really warm month except for those 3 awesome days that it rained, played tennis for the last time, and made that hat!
November: won a piano competition, had Thanksgiving, went to the Grand America for a Tea Party, met Uncle Aaron's fiance Ann, got the Justin Bieber Christmas CD, and visited the O'Briens after Saylor got surgery. Pretty fun month.
December: made tons of Christmas cookies! Mock trial month. Listened to a ton of Justin Bieber, spent a ton of time with the Wendelboe side of the family. No snow at all. Didn't really do anything for Christmas break, but I did get tons of clothes, an iPod touch (not an iPhone but still pretty awesome), Toms, pajamas, and a book about New York City. Went to my very first Multi-Stake New Years Eve dance (even though I'm not 14. but they still let me go because I turn 14 on January 23). It was so fun! I mostly spent time hanging out with my school friends and my ward friends. No dancing with boys, but I did get to see a few of my friends that are boys. It was so awesome!
Resolutions: not be "popular" but to have a lot of friends, be well-liked, and make people happy. Control my temper, turn in assignments, and not get grounded so much! ;)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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