-C.S. Lewis
"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."
"Promise you'll never forget me, ever," said Pooh. "Not even when I'm a hundred."
"I saw a flock of birds flying north today. If they can move on from summer, so can I."
well, fine, Pinterest. if you want me to forget the best 4 1/2 months of my life, then good for you. unfortunately, my adventure in Japan has come to an end. I'm all packed up and ready to go. all I need to to is get on the plane tomorrow, and then I'll start the next chapter in my life, which is called "for real highschool." homeschooling is one of the things I'm not going to miss about Japan. I'm flying away on Tuesday in Japan, cross the international dateline, and land in Provo on Tuesday. so, in 2 days from now, I will be back in the same house I've lived in for the last 8 years. I will have my own bedroom again. my cellphone will finally start working. I'll have all the food that I have missed. I will be able to see all my friends again, start school, and get back into a normal life. I will be able to walk to school and church. I will finally be able to practice piano after a long 4 1/2 months with only playing in church. and most importantly, I will be able to read and understand what everyone's saying!
but I have got to admit that I will always remember my adventure in Japan. I have changed so much while I was here. I have grown up. I have learned not to take everything for granted. I have become closer to my brothers and my parents. I have been more motivated to go to church and seminary because I've been socially isolated all day with my brothers, and it's good to get out of the house and see real people. because of that, not only have I made so many new friends, but also strengthened my testimony. but most of all, I have learned to appreciate Japan.
On my last Saturday here, our ward had a Country BBQ party with line dancing, sheriff badges, and dessert. not a ton of my friends came, but at least some of them did! I hung out with my favorite Aussie of all time, Scarlett. we had a great time talking and eating and playing with the little kids! we helped all the young ones make sheriff badges and played with them. my favorite family ever, the Gottfredsons, especially enjoyed this. Kylie and Renae, ages 6 and 5, made about 100 badges each for themselves, me, Scarlett, Liam, their parents, and everyone! and because both of the girls look up to me as their fashion idol, Kylie turned 2 of her badges into "big earrings like Miriam's." she drew me a picture of a basketball and said, "if you are ever sad, look at this picture and make a wish that you will see me again!" Renae wrote me a little note that said "I love you." and Liam, being cute little Liam, just ran around and went crazy! he did make a badge for himself ("just as long as you write my name, Miriam! I'm only 3!"), said thank you, and said, "You can have it! Your name can be Liam!" I will miss all 3 of them soooo much! In the summer, all my friends were on vacation, and my main motivation for going to church was to see the cute little Gottfredson gang!
oh, and cute little Isaac the Cowboy wanted a picture of him because he was "just so cute!" I told him he was the rootnest, tootnest cowboy of all of Japan, and he said, "Thanks, but I wanted to be the rootnest, tootness, cowboy in the wild, wild west!" he's darling, I know.
when we weren't entertaining the kiddos, Scarlett, India (my other favorite Aussie of all time), a few other girls, and the bishop all did the Footloose dance together! it was soooo fun!
Sunday, everyone in Sunday school and Young Women said goodbye, and in YW, we got treats. All the girls gave me a Sayonara Doll, which is a farewell custom in Japan. if you untie the ribbon around the doll's kimono, it opens up as a huge roll of paper where everyone writes their wishes to you on your next journey. all the girls and the leaders signed it! I named it Takeshita, because it needed a Japanese name, and Takeshita is a street in Harajuku where all the crazy dressed people march around on weekends. kind of like New York. and also because I just like that word... (I won't even go there).
after seminary, I went to my friend Jayne's house for one last lunch. this time, our whole family ate lunch there. it was a nice way to say goodbye! after lunch was done, Jayne did some homework, my family walked to the train station, and Mary May gave me a little keychain and a card to say goodbye. she said that I was like her older sister, which means a lot! she has become a younger sister to me! when Jayne was done with homework, we went to seminary for one last time. everyone was sad about me leaving, so to "celebrate/mourn", they made me play piano and say the prayer! all the boys wanted to sign the Sayonara Doll as well, so Takeshita took a long journey around the seminary room in the hands of many teenage boys with handwriting worse than mine. (which isn't too bad.) a few of the best notes in there (won't be saying any names; these aren't all from boys):
"I love you, even though you like BYU! PS. GO UTAH!"
"It will be soooo much more quiet when you leave :("
"Don't hit your head with a bird and don't laugh at the buffalo!" (I love you, Sarah.)
"We may have only known each other for a few months, but those months have seemed like FOREVER, and they were the best few months ever!"
"Hope Provo treats you well again!"
"You are LEGIT!"
I will miss going to seminary and mutual and sunday school and Young Womens! everyone in the ward is soooooo nice, outgoing, and friendly! I will miss everyone more than I can even explain! from all the girls who have reached out and made me feel at home to the crazy, cheeky boys in Sunday school, I just love my ward so much! Church will for sure be different without all my best friends!
Amanda and me! this is a weird picture. but we have become great friends while I was here! she is one of the sweetest girls ever!
me, India, and Scarlett Aalders. both the Aalders sisters have been like sisters to me! They always look so cute, both of them are super friendly and happy all the time, and have wonderful Australian accents! (Justin said that India is Australian, and Scarlett is British. Well, he got that wrong!). India was one of the first to reach out to me, and is always so nice to everyone. Scarlett and I just immediately clicked, and is very bubbly, energetic, and super talented! She also adores my brothers and can't stop talking about how cute they are! Oh, how I will miss these girls!
This lovely girl is Savannah Napierski, the first friend I made here! We met at the first ward party (before church!), and I thought she was 16 instead of my age, she's so gorgeous! and also extremely tall... she is absolutely amazing in every way, and we will for sure have to see each other again the next time she comes to Provo!
Oh, and we can't forget Sarah! she has been around all summer, and we really got to know each other at youth conference, camp, and riding the train together from seminary! she is absolutely hilarious and super smart, and we talk about the ramdomest things! I am so glad that we were able to bond over the summer when no one was in town!
to anyone I haven't mentioned, it's because I don't have a picture with you, and this post would last for eternity. I love you all, and thanks to everyone who made Tokyo the best time of my life! The next time I will post, I'll be in Provo. It's crazy. and you better be reading this blog, Tokyo people!

I'm so glad Japan ended up being a fantabulous adventure for you! And I'm excited to see you 'round Provo again!
ReplyDeleteI will miss you! I'm glad you are back with your friends in Provo, but I wish that you could stay in Japan a little longer!